Our WISER staff spotlight this month is Debby Farkas, Director of Educational Development at WISER. Debby has been working at WISER for over two years.
Where did you work prior to coming to WISER? Prior to coming to WISER, I was a post-doctoral fellow studying the formation of birth defects in the heart and vertebral system.
What is your favorite part about working at WISER? My favorite part of working at WISER would be the people I work with. We have a great team! Everyone works hard and has fun.
What is the most rewarding project you have worked on at WISER? Why? I find all projects that I work on to have some rewarding aspects, but in general, working with our course directors to take their ideas and turn them into a tangible product is very rewarding. At the end of the day, we have all had a role in creating some really great programs.
Tell us something about yourself that nobody would know walking through the doors of WISER and meeting you? I have a pet problem! I have a dog, 2 cats, a bearded dragon and a map turtle. I would collect more if I could.