WISER was pleased to provide a vendor in-service to our faculty and staff with Gaumard Scientifics to better understand their Victoria, their newest birthing simulator, as well as Super Tory, a high fidelity simulator for newborns.
According to Gaumard, Victoria simulates a full range of obstetrical events to facilitate teamwork and deepen critical thinking skills in learners of all levels. These challenges range from early pregnancy complications, high-risk deliveries, and postpartum emergencies to non-gravid scenarios for general nursing care.
More than a childbirth simulator, Victoria is a complete simulation solution. She was developed from decades of obstetrical experience. Victoria is a comprehensive package of tools and support designed to help improve patient safety in women?s health through education and training.
Super Tory is described as the world?s most advanced newborn simulator. Super Tory? is the first newborn simulator developed to meet the challenges of neonatal care specialist training in real environments. Active movement, true ventilator support, real patient monitoring, and all-day battery life. These are a few of the revolutionary new capabilities which allow Super Tory to simulate complex pathologies and respond to interventions with unparalleled realism.
WISER personnel were very impressed with the technology available in these simulators and were thankful for the opportunity to learn about them and spend time interacting with the technology.