Over the years we have hosted several simulation enthusiasts from Nanjing Medical University at WISER ? with each Visiting Scholar, we have helped them to learn more about simulation and share their knowledge with their colleagues at their home institution. Dr. Hui Chen is now one of those champions of simulation ? enthused and excited to share with this knowledge with his peers and integrate more simulation into his teaching.
Dr. Chen began his Preceptorship in December with a focus on Pediatric simulation. Dr. Chen works in the Department of Pediatrics and is the Chief Physician and Instructor in Medicine.
Initially, his goals were to learn advanced simulation teaching ideas and methods, develop a scenario and instruct a course, learn the best practices in debriefing and assessment, and understand the ins-and-outs of running a simulation center. However, after a few weeks of study at WISER, he was able to hone these into more specific and practical goals. From there, Dr. Chen decided he wanted to improve his teaching abilities in simulation and the methods he would use to train his students. Additionally, he worked to develop curriculum for his program that was focused on pediatrics. Finally, Dr. Chen chose to focus on how he could train physicians at his institution, develop their leadership skills, and improve teamwork amongst his colleagues.
Through a series of lectures on curriculum design, assessment, debriefing, and utilizing a mannequin, Dr. Chen improved his theoretical knowledge on simulation and gained a bettering understanding of many aspects of running a simulation center. Dr. Chen also observed a variety of courses which allowed him a wider perspective on the different styles of simulation integration and instruction. He learned how he can better interact with his students by encouraging them to actively participate in their scenarios and express their thoughts.
Lastly, Dr. Chen not only developed his own scenarios while at WISER, but he conducted scenario runs of his Neonatal Resuscitation work with his colleagues and WISER staff. His goal upon returning to Nanjing is to finalize his scenario and lead improved debriefings with his students.
One of Dr. Chen?s future goals is to ?keep in touch? with WISER and receive additional guidance. As with all our Visiting Scholars we certainly hope to keep in touch with them (and we do!), and we are always here to help! Good luck Dr. Chen!
Dr. Chen’s final presentation.
Dr. Chen receiving his certificate of completion
from WISER Director, Dr. Paul Phrampus.