We would like to thank Dr. Ying Liu for studying with us at WISER through our Visiting Scholars Program.
Dr. Liu joined us from North China University of Science and Technology Affiliated Hospital, China, where she works as an associate professor, master?s supervisor, and deputy director of the Science and Education Office.
During her time in Pittsburgh, Dr. Liu focused on simulation center topics including IT, Human Resources, Policies & Procedures, Budget/Finance, the integration of Standardized Patients into curriculum, and research on Simulation Teaching Theory.
Upon her return to her home institution, Dr. Liu plans to build a Standardized Patient program and introduce advanced simulation teaching course. In the future, she would like to establish a regional simulation teaching organization, further develop her center?s evaluation criteria, all with the goal of improving the level of simulated medical education in Northern China.
She has expressed a great interest to return to WISER in the near future with some more of her colleagues for further study. WISER wishes Dr. Ying Liu all the best in her future projects and hope that we can be of help to her in the near future!