Our WISER staff spotlight this month is Max Leake, Web Developer/Multimedia Application Developer. Max started working at WISER as an independent contractor in April 2006 and was hired full time in October 2006. Prior to working at WISER, he owned his own IT consulting/web development/multimedia Production Company.
What are your responsibilities? I take care of all multimedia production, including video, photography, web design, and graphic design for print and electronic media.
What have you gained by working at WISER? A new challenge in working in the healthcare industry and experience with new technologies (and about 20 lbs).
What is the most rewarding project you have worked on at WISER? Why? They are all rewarding, but I really enjoy creating the materials for pediatrics education because I hope it helps improve the care of children.
Where do you see WISER in 10 years? I would like to see us in a larger, more high tech facility, helping to define best practices that make a difference in patient safety.
What is your proudest moment while working at WISER? Every time that I see that what we are doing is beneficial to our clients, faculty, and students.
What is your favorite part about working at WISER? The people. And the open, nonrestrictive atmosphere in which we value results/creativity over inflexible rules.
Name a challenge you have faced while working at WISER and how did you overcome it? I have had many challenges to keep up with the changing landscape of the Internet and multimedia technology. I have to do my best to keep being a learner and not getting too complacent.
Tell us something about yourself that nobody would know walking through the doors of WISER and meeting you? I just moonlight here at WISER. My real job is as a jazz musician (Just kidding, sort of).