You may recall that in January 2016, Simulation Specialist Joseph “Jay” Dunham, a member of the U. S. Army Reserves, was deployed for active duty.  Jay returned to WISER in the middle of December 2016.  WISER would like to share some information with you about Jay’s deployment.

The overall mission of the deployment was to support NATO Support Headquarters in Sarajevo, Bosnia.  He was involved in training multi-national teams in military tactics and professionalism.  Jay’s direct mission was to function as NCOIC (non-commissioned officer in charge) of Postal operations. Responsibilities included ensuring all USPS mail is processed and delivered to military and support civilian personnel, maintain all equipment, control all safes, and currency, while ensuring funds are used for headquarters operations.  Additionally, maintain supplies for all shipping requirements, distribute, collect, process, and ship absentee ballots.

Notable achievements during the deployment:

-Oversaw 2 upgrades to the postal systems
-Development of a new postal SOPs (standard operating procedures) manuals for new systems
-Created new personal accountability system for all of NATO Sarajevo, NATO Kosovo, and KFOR 21 locations
-Completed 80 hours of military correspondence courses
-Received the Joint Commendation Medal from NATO General for superior performance and professionalism
-Received the U. S. Army Commendation Medal for superior training of troops
-Awarded the NATO Article 5 Medal
-Completed the U. S. Army Postal Operation Certification Course
-Awarded a Certificate of Achievement awarded for local outreach (participated/planned events for locals, other nations and inter  service cohesion)

Please join WISER in congratulating Jay on his successes and thanking him for his service.


Simulation Specialist, Jay Dunham (right)