WISER will be attending and contributing to the International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH), which will be held January 28-February 1 in Orlando, FL. Presentations and workshops from the WISER staff range from the Course Development process to accreditation preparation. When you’re not busy attending the workshops and presentations, stop by and see us at Booth 203 (near one of the beverage stations) in order to ask questions, learn about our simulation education capabilities, or to just say “Hi”. Take a peek below to get a glimpse at the WISER offerings. We hope to see you in Orlando!

Performing Educational Research: Complexities & Pitfalls Workshop 
Dr. Paul Phrampus, WISER Director & Dr. Andrew Musits, Associate Director, Patient Safety Education

Complexities in Educational Research
Dr. Andrew Musits, Associate Director, Patient Safety Education

An Expert Curriculum: Competent Facilitator Model
Dr. Andrew Musits, Associate Director, Patient Safety Education

A Guided Tour of the Course Development Process
Tom Dongilli, Director of Operations & Debby Farkas, Director of Educational Development

Scenario Creation Made Easy: A Step by Step Approach
Tom Dongilli, Director of Operations & Kevin Miracle, Manager of Simulation Services

Create Engaging Pre-and Post-course Content
Dr. Paul Phrampus, WISER Director

In Situ Simulation: A Powerful Systems Diagnostic Tool
Dr. Paul Phrampus, WISER Director

Art and Science of Public Speaking
Dr. Paul Phrampus, WISER Director

International Partnership to Develop Faculty
Dr. Paul Phrampus, WISER Director & Dr. John O’Donnell, Associate Director, Nursing Programs, Director of Research

Pathway to Excellence: Prepare Your Center for Accreditation
Tom Dongilli, Director of Operations